Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I have a million thoughts running through my head and no one to share them with so the blog gets it. Not that this is much of a blog, but at least it is a way for me to vent.

So. I have an interview tonight. I am calm for now but the nerves will start to kick in around 3:30. I have no idea how I am going to tell the boss. That is, of course, assuming that I get the job. I can't imagine a 5 minute commute to work. I could walk. WALK to work. Or bike. There are two buildings and I don't know which I would be in, so walking may not be an option but it is nice to think about. If I'm in the building closest to my house I will TOTALLY walk or bike, but if it is the one across the highway I probably won't. Too many semis and crazy people for me to brave it.

An old friend died on Monday. I don't mean old as in I've known him a long time, but old as in he was in his late 60's and ill. He had emphysema and I'd heard that he wasn't doing well but did I take the time to call? No. I could have made him his favorite chocolate pie and spent an afternoon with him to make the time go more quickly. But no. I'm too busy. Too much to do, don't feel like doing it, I just can't spare the time. And now he's gone and I don't get a second chance to be a friend. I can't tell you how shitty that feels.

Thank goodness the co-worker's husband brought in donuts. Nothing like fat and sugar to melt away the pain. I don't want to be here after Friday. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to deal with all the shit that I'll have to deal with once she's gone. This whole thing has been handled HORRIBLY and the boss is oblivious. I think he thinks everyone is just going to step up and pitch in and everything will be grand. Delusional, I tell you.

Life is too damn short. I'm going to contact my friend Irene whom I haven't spoken to in quite some time. I think of her every so often and wonder how she is. I hope the kids haven't filled her yard with grandkids. Kevin is 13 or 14 which makes Mary 15 or so, maybe 16. I think Johnny is 20 and Nekki has to be 23. Yikes. It has been way too long. I hate how people drift out of your life. People that you love and think you'll always know and talk to, yet somehow you lose touch. You don't call as often, you don't get together and eventually you don't talk at all. It sucks.

I ran my idea about small-scale catering past Dan and thought it was a viable business . I definitely think it is a niche market and I'd love to get it rolling. I guess I can start with a business plan so I've got it going in case I get the capital to make it happen. The little shop on the south end of town would be perfect. I could start out with just catering and expand to a bake shop and maybe even serve lunch. Or maybe just stay with the catering and baking. I think trying to run a lunch parlor would be too much.

And that's all I have to say for now. There could be more later.

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