Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Another boring day....I sit here and think about all the things I could and should be doing: exercising, baking, cleaning. And none of it gets done because I'm WORKING. Or at least I'm pretending that I'm working. I'm really surfing the internet and daydreaming about the things I'd rather be doing.

Still no grade for my last class. I might explode from my impatience. He's been back to work for 3 days now. What is taking so long!?!? I can't make any decisions about getting a B.S. until I know I'm done with my A.A.S. The husband will probably want to throttle me when I tell him I want to start school again. Do I let the company pay for it and essentially sell my soul to the devil or do I pay for it out my own pocket? Can I handle more involved coursework while working full time, and part time and working on the house? Can I handle that coursework while pregnant, recovering from delivery and caring for new born? Should the rabbit get the Trix?

Sigh. Sometimes I get tired of being a grownup. I want to go back to kindergarten for coloring, story time and nap time. That's the life.

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